Eagle’s Flight


Eagle’s Flight

The Eagle’s Flight brand of experiential learning engages and challenges all levels of participants, delivering a competitive edge to all sizes of organizations through improved workforce performance and better productivity.

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Eagle’s Flight

A world leader in experiential learning, Eagle’s Flight has set the standard for participant engagement that delivers practical business impact through changed behavior.

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Eagle’s flight Experience?


Discover the Path to Success
with Our Program

Discover the Path to Success with Our Program

20 – 5000 Participants | 4 – 6 hour Conference program

Planning and Productivity

We often confuse activity with productivity. If we’re busy, we must be making headway, right? Not always. A lot of ineffective busyness can go undetected until the results come in…and then it’s too late. Teach your organization to differentiate between the activity and the productivity required to deliver results in challenging economic times.

  • Ask “What’s Possible?” instead of “What’s Required?”
  • Plan, prepare and execute—never lose sight of the objective
  • Permanently adopt a strategic mindset for any challenge
  • Face any challenge with a strategic mindset

20 – 5000 Participants | 4 – 6 hour Conference program

Breaking Down Silos

No one is an island within any organization—we’re all customers and suppliers of each other. People often struggle to see past their own needs and miss their vital role within their organization’s grand service scheme. The symptoms are obvious: distrust, self-serving behavior and broken commitments. The results of that kind of environment are worse: compromised quality, minimal productivity and terrible customer service.

  • Live the culture and deliver individual, team and organization goals
  • Break down silos and create an environment of trust
  • Align goals and efforts at every organizational level with the ‘big picture’

20 – 5000 Participants | 2 hour Team Building program

learning from the best and driving results

If we can’t keep up with the pace of change and match our actions accordingly, we’re on a collision course with failure. We need the skills to quickly formulate appropriate goals, gather and evaluate information, gain team consensus and then act to obtain the best results possible. Redline Racing™ challenges you to deliver a champion’s performance in an experiential learning environment of pressures, checkpoints and stiff competition.

  • Balance action with analysis to drive toward the greatest possible outcome
  • Capitalize on the experience of those who have succeeded before
  • Course-correct in the face of shifting conditions

20 – 5000 Participants | 4 – 6 hour Conference program

delivering results and living the culture

The quality of working relationships has a direct impact on productivity. Council of the Marble Star™ challenges you to succeed in two arenas: profit and professionalism, because how you achieve a result is as important as the result itself.

  • Negotiate and build lasting productive relationships that drive promised results
  • Synchronize culture with commerce
  • Learn to differentiate your intentions from managing the perceptions of others

20 – 5000 Participants | 4 – 6 hour Conference program

Developing true partnerships

Unless we identify the real customer need at the outset, all our efforts to meet that need will fall short. Once identified, how do we both satisfy that need and make a profit admist or in the face of shifting market trends, competition and tight deadlines? Rattlesnake Canyon™ animates this market scenario through a highly engaging and vivid learning experience. Step back in time—to the Wild West—and discover how to leverage effective partnerships to meet your customer’s needs and create a significant competitive edge.

  • Build effective partnerships
  • Uncover, understand and respond to the true customer need
  • Create efficient and proactive processes for workflow and customer service

20 – 5000 Participants | 4 – 6 hour Conference program

executional excellence

Do we have the systems and checkpoints in place to adjust strategies and action plans as circumstances change? If not, how can we efficiently evaluate, plan and execute in order to capture all opportunities? This is particularly challenging when we’re operating within high pressure, deadline and results-driven environments. Expedition Outback™ is experiential learning for exactly this situation. Discover the impact of fluid and effective execution as you work together to leave competition in your dust in the Australian Outback.

  • Problem-solve, contingency plan and execute
  • Discern and leverage quality information to yield the greatest results
  • Recognize opportunities, assess their value and act for maximum gain

20 – 5000 Participants | 2 – 2.5 hour Conference program

strategy and tactics

When we feel pressured to produce, it’s easy to skip the planning stage and jump straight into action. But, if we do the analysis and make good decisions from the outset, the path to improved results becomes much clearer.

  • Recognize that time taken in planning is time saved in execution
  • Make informed decisions about which objective will produce the best results
  • Take appropriate risks from a position of strength, not desperation

20 – 5000 Participants | 2 hour Team Building program

teamwork and collaboration

Coral Banks Construction Company™ challenges participants with an ostensibly impossible task, however, collaboration quickly replaces paralysis as teams explore the potential for realizing thier goals. Gone is the self-doubt, with determination and focused action in its place.

  • Build unanimous focus on clearly defined goals by harnessing the power of team spirit and unity
  • Collaborate productively to share resources, assign tasks and maintain quality standards
  • Communicate effectively and frequently, leading to greater productivity and job satisfaction

20 – 5000 Participants | 4 – 6 hour Conference program

capitalizing on opportunity

Every business must juggle the impact of market conditions and resource management while working to maximum profit. Successfully managing these factors requires a practical, yet flexible plan. Windjammer™ lets you experience how to juggle it all successfully as a team to increase both profit and efficiency, no matter which way the wind is blowing.

  • Expand your profit focus through planning, goal-setting, team-building and execution
  • Adjust team tactics and resources to be able to respond quickly to market conditions
  • Prioritize objectives to take advantage of profit peaks

20 – 5000 Participants | 1 ½ to 2 hour Conference Kick-Off program

service excellence

Our ultimate goal is to provide the best customer service experience possible—one that results in both new and repeat business. If we can improve our resource acquisition and management, then our customer service is also sure to benefit. Movies and Moguls™ is a highly interactive experience that will jumpstart any conference or meeting—it’s a great way for people to mix, mingle and improve their personal effectiveness along the way.

  • Negotiate effectively with a wide variety of personalities (and their agendas!)
  • Identify resources with the highest value; rediscover previously undervalued ones
  • Maintain a results-centered focus while enhancing both internal and external customer service

20 – 5000 Participants | 2 to 3 Hour Team Building Program

team dynamics and process improvement

Insanity, as Einstein described, is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. To avoid such an unforunate demise, we need a strategy to cope with daily change and challenges. At the core of the most successful strategy is a proactive, problem-solving team that can diagnose, learn, self-correct and respond with continually improving processes and outcomes. Code Name: Enigma™ equips teams with the tools to consistently deliver this high performance standard—once experienced, every challenge will become an opportunity for team improvement.

  • Develop and continually push team standards
  • Effectively solve problems, while seeking ways to improve
  • Translate a common team language into stellar performance

20 – 500 Participants | 4 hour Skill Building program

running an effective meeting

It’s an ongoing challenge to deliver on-time and within budget in the face of information overload, multiple schedules and ever-expanding job accountabilities. Meetings can have a huge impact on success if we’re equipped with an easy-to-implement process that takes us from need to deed as effectively as possible. Lord Devon’s Demise™ delivers that process. This highly immersive experiential program breathes new life into a traditionally mundane topic.

  • Assign tangible, time-lined tasks and outcomes with follow-up to confirm progress
  • Eliminate diversions and refocus on the core objectives
  • Elicit input from all involved parties

20 – 5000 Participants | 30 minute ICEBREAKER

icebreaker activity

With no facilitator required, it cleverly delivers the concepts of individual contribution, personal accountability and group synergy. It won’t change the world, but it will infuse your group with vigor and enthusiasm.

  • Appreciate and value each person’s contribution
  • Experience the power of group synergy
  • Break down the ‘sound barriers’ and increase morale and engagement

20 – 5000 Participants | 4 – 6 hour Conference program

capitalizing on opportunity

Every business must juggle the impact of market conditions and resource management while working to maximum profit. Successfully managing these factors requires a practical, yet flexible plan. Windjammer™ lets you experience how to juggle it all successfully as a team to increase both profit and efficiency, no matter which way the wind is blowing.

  • Expand your profit focus through planning, goal-setting, team-building and execution
  • Adjust team tactics and resources to be able to respond quickly to market conditions
  • Prioritize objectives to take advantage of profit peaks

20 – 5000 Participants | 2 hour Team Building program

teamwork and collaboration

Coral Banks Construction Company™ challenges participants with an ostensibly impossible task, however, collaboration quickly replaces paralysis as teams explore the potential for realizing thier goals. Gone is the self-doubt, with determination and focused action in its place.

  • Build unanimous focus on clearly defined goals by harnessing the power of team spirit and unity
  • Collaborate productively to share resources, assign tasks and maintain quality standards
  • Communicate effectively and frequently, leading to greater productivity and job satisfaction

20 – 5000 Participants | 2 – 2.5 hour Conference program

strategy and tactics

When we feel pressured to produce, it’s easy to skip the planning stage and jump straight into action. But, if we do the analysis and make good decisions from the outset, the path to improved results becomes much clearer.

  • Recognize that time taken in planning is time saved in execution
  • Make informed decisions about which objective will produce the best results
  • Take appropriate risks from a position of strength, not desperation

Eagle’s Flight Program

Become an Empowered LeadeR

Become an
Empowered LeadeR

Join the Eagle’s Flight Program and Unleash Your Leadership Potential

Join the Eagle’s Flight Program and Unleash Your Leadership Potential

Virtual Programs

Learn and Connect Virtually

Learn and Connect Virtually

Discover a New Way of Learning In Our Engaging Virtual Program

Discover a New Way of Learning In Our Engaging Virtual Program

Language Training

Embrace the Power of Language

Embrace the
Power of Language

Expand Your Linguistic Skills With Our Comprehensive Language Training

Expand Your Linguistic Skills With Our Comprehensive Language Training

Team Building

Foster Collaboration and Unity

Foster Collaboration and Unity

Enroll Your Team in Our Inspiring Team Building Program

Enroll Your Team in Our Inspiring Team Building Program

Management Training

Level Up Your Management Abilities

Level Up Your
Management Abilities

Unlock Your Potential with Our Comprehensive Management Training Program

Unlock Your Potential with Our Comprehensive Management Training Program

Enquiry Form

Let's Explore Opportunities Together

Let's Explore
Opportunities Together

Start your journey of possibilities and growth.
Connect with us today by filling out this form.

Start your journey of possibilities and growth. Connect with us today by filling out this form.